Stress Test Your Way to Excellent Customer Service

“The only way a brick and mortar business will survive today and tomorrow is by creating an outstanding customer experience” says, Dave “The Shef” Sheffield, motivational speaker, and coach.

“Of course our business can handle high stress/peak demand situations… ” says every business owner ever.

What is said is often different than reality when put to the test.

Stress testing or “Red Teaming” is when a business or organization is pushed to the limits. Whether it is in a retail business, military, cyber, or any other type of business; saying you perform well under stress is different than actually doing it.

Macy’s “secret shopping” excursion:

Bryce Hoffman, author of Red Teaming: How Your Business Can Conquer the Competition by Challenging Everything, made a surprise visit to Macy’s in March 2017 after the new CEO took command and had begun his restructuring plan which included reducing the sales staff at Macy’s.

Mr. Hoffman went shopping at Macy’s and wanted to ask a salesperson about one of their products. He looked for a salesperson for 10 minutes. When he could not find anyone to answer his question he left the store.

The most important rule for your salesperson is to be available, on time, have a positive attitude and be there to answer your customer’s questions. If you are understaffed, focus on teaching your staff to recognize people who are wandering around looking for something, and what to do when they encounter them.

(At the very least have a bell or buzzer at your customer service desk so your customers can reach your salesperson.)

What are the three secrets of creating “outstanding customer service” in your business?

1. Choose and train your sales persons to be on time, to be dependable, to have a positive attitude, to be tuned in to the needs of your customers. Have a bell at the desk, if you are short help, so customers can ring for assistance.

2. Your salesperson listens to what your customer’s want and need for your products to do and shares the benefits of each product including the price. Your salesperson has the solution to your customer’s problem.

3. Your salesperson has a passion and knowledge for your products and happily shares them with your customers. Your salesperson knows everything about these products and when your salesperson makes a promise they keep it!

As Jeffrey Gitomer, sales expert says, your salesperson is your “trusted adviser.”

To keep your brick and mortar business surviving, create outstanding customer service, by training your salespersons to be on time, dependable, have a positive attitude, to be personable, trustworthy, knowledgeable about your product, and to listen and want to help your customers. Your salespersons are passionate about your products and enjoy helping their customers solve their problems.

Customer Service